Product Availability over Brand Loyalty?
“No one’s a friend in distress ” As true as it feels on a personal level, no one understands this better than the big players of the FMCG brand world. In the times where some consumers are looking for brands that they can trust in terms of safety and hygiene, consumer behavior has seen some rapid transformation. At the same time non-availability of big brands on the retailers’ shelves has brought out the consumer tendency to play flirtatious with their brand switching behavior, from what holds the share of heart to what holds the share of eyes. The small and local brands have seen an upward trend in this testing time. With local and small brands eating up the ‘Once upon a time” market share of big brands, we can see a major shift in consumer behavior. As per reports, In January and February 2020, the three most selling brands in the hand sanitizer segment alone had a market share of 85% while others including existing players and smaller brands had only ...